For many individuals with mobility disabilities, a powered scooter
is an attractive alternative to a manual or powered wheelchair.
Scooters are often lighter, more compact, and more maneuverable than
power chairs, and in many people’s eyes their appearance is more
appealing. This fact sheet is intended to help people with mobility
disabilities who are interested in learning more about scooters. Topics
discussed include features and components of scooters; factors
determining whether a scooter is an appropriate mobility aid; and
considerations in scooter selection. The fact sheet also provides a
list of manufacturers and sources for scooter reviews.
Scooter Features and Components
Electric scooters (sometimes called “mobility scooters” to
distinguish them from the recreational scooters popular among teenagers)
all share a recognizable set of features. Each has a seat at the rear
of a wheeled platform, with controls and sometimes handrests on a column
in front of the seat, called the tiller. The wheeled platform is the
base unit. It supports the feet and batteries and contains the drive
system. Scooters can have either front- or rear-wheel drive, and most
have either four wheels or three (two in back, one in front).

Figure 1: The RT Express from Amigo Mobility International is a 3-wheeled scooter
designed primarily for indoor use.
Base Unit
The base unit is the body of the scooter. Generally it consists of
a steel, aluminum, or composite frame with a fiberglass or composite
floor to support the feet and batteries. Some scooter bases include a
shroud over the front wheel and drive head, giving the scooter a
bullet-shaped appearance. Certain scooter models also use the shroud to
create a dashboard housing some of the instrumentation (such as a key
lock for turning the scooter on and off and a battery-level indicator)
for the scooter. The base also includes the wheels and the drive train.
In some scooters, the seat post is part of the base. The scooter’s
maneuverability and its suitability for indoor or outdoor use largely
depend on the characteristics of the base unit such as its turning
radius, the size of its wheelbase, its ground clearance, and its overall
The base unit also affects the comfort and safety of the rider.
When evaluating a scooter, it is important to be certain that the base
can accommodate the user's needs. The floor should provide enough space
to comfortably support the feet at a natural angle, and the overall
dimensions should permit the controls to be easily reached and
manipulated. Some manufacturers offer models with optional extended
bases for tall people or shorter bases for small adults. Some models
also offer optional extended footrests for those who wear leg braces or
who have difficulty bending their knees.
It is important to evaluate the base for safety features, including
its overall stability. A scooter should not tip easily during sharp
turns or on inclines such as curb cuts (if the scooter is designed for
outdoor use). Anti-tip wheels should be included as part of the frame
to help support and stabilize the scooter. On front-wheel drive units,
anti-tips are often located laterally just behind the front wheel
because they generally lack the power for steep inclines. Because most
rear-wheel drive scooters are intended to negotiate more rugged terrain,
they are usually equipped with rear anti-tips to support the scooter on
hills. Side anti-tip wheels are sometimes offered as options. It
should be noted that lateral anti-tippers may cause difficulties on curb
cuts and ramps.
Some scooters can be disassembled into modular units for transport
and storage. Modular design may also allow the scooter to be converted
from a 3-wheeled to a 4-wheeled model or from indoor to outdoor use.

Figure 2: The Legend XL from Pride Mobility is a 4-wheeled scooter intended primarily for outdoor use.
Drive Train and Power System
The drive train is an integral part of the base unit and provides
either front- or rear-wheel drive for the scooter. Front-wheel drive is
usually found on smaller scooters designed primarily to be used indoors
or outdoors on flat, paved surfaces. The motor of the front-wheel
drive scooter is located over the front wheel and drives only that
wheel. Because of the motor and wheel configuration, front-wheel drive
scooters are usually direct-drive units, eliminating chains and belts.
This means that front-wheel drive models generally have smaller motors
and that the front wheel pulls the weight of the unit and the rider.
Consequently, these types of scooters have a lesser capacity to move
their load than do rear-wheel drive models, and are therefore less
capable of handling hills, curb cuts, and other outdoor terrain.
Front-wheel drive scooters often have a shorter range, less speed and
power, and a smaller rider weight capacity. These same factors,
however, usually result in a scooter that is smaller than rear-wheel
drive models, more maneuverable, more capable of fitting in tighter
spaces, and more likely to be compatible with van and bus wheelchair
Conversely, rear-wheel drive scooters are powered by motors
connected to the rear axle, either via a chain, a belt, a transaxle
unit, or some combination. Because the scooter is driven by the rear
wheels, they push the combined weight of the unit and the rider, rather
than pull it. The combined weight of the rider, the motor, and the
batteries over the rear wheels, generally create better traction than
that usually provided by front-wheel drive models. The increased
traction combined with the more powerful motors used on rear-wheel drive
scooters results in better climbing ability. Rear-wheel-drive scooters
also have a greater maximum speed, a longer traveling range between
battery charges, and a larger rider weight capacity. These scooters
have a wider wheel base and a greater overall length, making them less
maneuverable and rendering some models unsuitable for indoor use. They
may also be too large for van or bus lifts.
Front- or rear-wheel drive does not necessarily determine whether a
scooter is powerful enough to meet the user's needs, nor does the
horsepower of the motor. The torque of a motor is more often a
determining factor. Most scooters use permanent magnet motors, some with
lower torque than others. Lower torque motors frequently provide
greater speed on flat, smooth surfaces, while higher torque motors may
seem slow in that environment. However, the higher torque motor will
generally offer more power for climbing hills and negotiating other
outdoor terrain. Again it is essential, when evaluating scooters, to
keep the scooter’s primary intended use in mind.
Most rear-wheel drive scooters utilize an electronic or
electro-mechanical dynamic, regenerative braking system. This type of
braking system works in tandem with the motor, first to slow and then to
stop the vehicle when the pressure is released on the thumb levers or
the controls are otherwise disengaged. When the scooter is not being
powered forward or in reverse, the brakes are engaged, thus preventing
the scooter from moving. During the application of the brakes, excess
power from the motor is channeled to the batteries, providing
recharging. Because the brakes are engaged when the scooter is not
being actively powered, most scooters with this braking system are
equipped with a clutch on the motor or another release lever to manually
disengage the brakes to allow the scooter to be pushed in case of
Some scooters also use disc brakes alone or disc brakes in
combination with the braking system discussed above. Some
scooters—usually front-wheel drive models—are not equipped with
electronic or electro-mechanical brakes. In the absence of a brake
system, a manual parking brake applied by lever to a rear wheel is
provided. Manual parking brakes may also be offered either as optional
or standard features on other scooters to provide extra braking on hills
and inclines.
Figure 3: The Buzzaround 4-Wheel Scooter, model
GB-104, from Golden Technologies, Inc. is a lightweight, portable
scooter designed for indoor or outdoor use. It can be folded and broken
down into components for easy storage or transport.
Batteries and Chargers
Most scooters utilize 12- or 24-volt motors and electrical systems,
generally with one or two 12-volt batteries to power the drive train
and controls. Twelve-volt systems are most frequently found on
front-wheel drive scooters, and usually require one 12-volt battery,
although two six-volt batteries are sometimes used. Some manufacturers
offer add-on units for 12-volt systems which allow them to utilize two
batteries to extend the scooter's range between charges, although speed
and power are not affected. Rear-wheel drive systems generally require
two 12-volt batteries to power 24-volt systems.
These batteries are “deep cycle” batteries intended for wheelchairs
and scooters and generally last between 12 and 18 months, although with
conservation and regular charging, longer life may be achieved. Deep
cycle batteries are designed to provide a steady supply of power and to
be discharged and recharged on a regular basis. In contrast, automotive
and marine batteries are designed to be starter batteries, providing
short bursts of power only. Consequently, marine and automotive
batteries should never be substituted for deep cycle batteries.
There are three basic types of batteries available for use with scooters:
- lead acid (or wet cell) batteries
- sealed lead-acid batteries
- gel cell batteries.
Lead acid batteries are the least expensive of the
three types, but they also require the most maintenance. In addition
to regular charging, electrolyte and water levels must be checked
regularly, with water added frequently to maintain appropriate levels.
Because these batteries are not sealed, there is danger of acid
spillage and explosion if the batteries are not handled properly.
Despite these potential problems, lead-acid batteries provide the
benefits of a two- to six-month longer battery life and up to a ten
percent greater running time than other battery types.
Sealed lead acid batteries are maintenance-free
versions of lead acid batteries. Because they are sealed in cases, it
is unnecessary to add water and the danger of acid spillage is reduced
or eliminated. The cases are vented to prevent gas build-up that can
lead to an explosion.
gel cell batteries are the most commonly
used battery type on scooters. They are sealed in their cases and
require no maintenance other than regular charging. Gel cells are the
safest of the battery types, with no danger of spillage and limited risk
of explosion. However, gel cells are more expensive, usually ranging in
price from $90 to $125, and they may have a somewhat shorter life than
other battery types.
Many manufacturers do not include the battery or batteries as part
of the scooter; rather, they are considered extra-cost options. The
type and size of battery used on a given scooter should be selected in
accordance with the recommendation of the manufacturer. It is
particularly important that the battery be compatible with the battery
charger to be used. Lead acid and gel cell batteries require different
types of chargers operating at differing amperage levels, so their
chargers should never be used interchangeably; however, dual chargers
capable of charging both types of batteries are also available.
While the batteries are frequently optional, the charger is usually
included with the scooter as part of the purchase price. It may be an
on-board internal charger built into the scooter's base unit or it may
be an external charger that is totally separate from the unit. On-board
chargers have the benefit of allowing the user to recharge the
batteries during extended use, although it may be necessary to carry a
separate cord or an extension cord to connect the unit to an electrical
outlet. However, should an on-board charger require repair, it is
necessary to take the entire scooter in for repair.
External chargers, on the other hand, require the user to carry
extra equipment, but they offer the benefit of easier repair or
replacement. External chargers also have the capability of charging the
batteries away from the scooter, an option that can be particularly
useful during travel because the batteries can be maintained without
removing the scooter from the van or automobile.
Wheels and Tires
The dimensions of a scooter’s wheels and tires have a direct effect
on the scooter’s stability and its ability to surmount obstacles.
Scooters are generally equipped with six-, eight-, or ten-inch wheels,
although other sizes may also be used. Some models use the same size
wheels on both front and rear, while others may have smaller wheels in
front and larger rear wheels. As a rule, the intended use of the
scooter should dictate the size of the wheels and tires. Smaller wheels
are generally found on front-wheel drive scooters intended for indoor
use. The larger the wheels, the more stable the unit. Similarly larger
and wider the tires provide better traction and greater capacity to
manage obstacles such as curb cuts and uneven outdoor terrain. Those
same tires, however, may make it more difficult to maneuver the scooter
in tighter indoor spaces.
Several types of tires are available for scooters. Manufacturers
generally offer a specific tire as standard equipment, with others
available as extra-cost options.
Pneumatic tires have
air-filled tubes and are similar to those found on automobiles. Air
pressure should be checked regularly to maintain proper levels, and
tires may need to be replaced if punctured. The addition of an
anti-flat compound before inflation reduces the risk of tires going
flat. Pneumatic tires provide good shock absorption when properly
Foam filled tires are similar to pneumatic tires,
but include foam inserts rather than air-filled tubes. These tires
cannot be deflated and, therefore, require less maintenance. They may
be more expensive than pneumatic tires and may not offer a consistently
comfortable ride.
The least expensive tire option is
solid tires. These tires require the least maintenance, but provide minimal shock absorption and are intended primarily for indoor use.
Other issues in tire selection include color and tread depth. Most
tires are available in black or gray rubber. Black tires are generally
less expensive and have a longer life than do gray tires. However,
gray tires are specially treated to prevent the marking and scuffing of
floors and walls that is common with black tires.
Tires are available with differing levels of tread. A deeper tread
provides greater traction and improved ability to handle such outdoor
surfaces as mud, gravel, and grass. However, the treads do tend to
track dirt and debris indoors. Low-tread or treadless tires eliminate
this problem, but should be confined to indoor use or limited outdoor
use on paved surfaces.
Most scooters have a chair-style seat or captain’s chair with a
back and armrests, and sometimes a headrest as well. Some lightweight
scooters, however, have seats without a back or armrest. Seats are
usually made of molded hard plastic or fiberglass, and differ in the
amount of padding. Padded seats usually have vinyl or fabric
upholstery. Vinyl upholstery is often less expensive, but because it is
a more slippery surface, it may not be the best choice for those whose
disability makes it difficult to maintain position or balance.
Other options may include ergonomically designed seats, lumbar
supports, and separate cushions. In rare cases, manufacturers may offer
custom-design and fitting with positioning options similar to those
found on wheelchairs. Seats are usually post-mounted to the center or
rear of the base, and most swivel up to 360 degrees with stops at every
90 degrees using a manual lever beneath the seat. A powered seat is a
common option. The mechanism is usually controlled from the dashboard
or control box and uses power from the battery to rotate the seat. Some
powered seats also elevate, allowing the user greater access to
counters, cupboards, etc. As with most options, powered seats add to
the scooter's final cost. Another consideration is the draw of power
from the battery; frequent use of the power seat during the course of
the day may reduce the scooter's range. Some seats also allow for
forward and rearward adjustment to better accommodate the user's needs.
In addition, some scooters have folding seats, fold-down seat backs, or
removable seat posts for transport or storage.
Armrests are another consideration in seating. Some scooters offer
armrests only as an option; others offer fixed armrests as standard
with flip-up armrests available. Whatever the type, armrests are
generally constructed of rigid plastic with padded upholstery optional,
although some armrests feature a rigid plastic base with padded,
upholstered inserts. Whether or not armrests are padded and whether
they are fixed or not should be determined by the needs of the person
using scooter in transferring to and from the scooter and whether the
armrests will help with balance while seated. Padding may make it more
difficult to grasp the armrests and fixed armrests may make it more
difficult to transfer.
The tiller is the control and steering mechanism for the scooter,
usually containing the controls to drive the scooter forward or in
reverse, as well as steering the front wheel or wheels. Most scooters
offer one type of standard tiller with other controllers available as
options. Possibilities include thumb levers, loop handles, joysticks,
and others. Thumb levers are the most common controls, allowing the
user to keep both hands on the handle bars while using the left thumb to
power the scooter in reverse and the right to power the scooter
forward. The amount of pressure applied to the lever will determine the
speed of the vehicle (unless it is equipped with a proportional speed
control). Consequently, a fair amount of hand control is necessary for
safe operation. Finger control levers or a joystick may be
alternatives. Some manufacturers may also be able to adapt controls to
user requirements at extra cost.
The tiller, itself, is often an upright post attached to the front
wheel, but there are also flexible, accordion-style tillers that can be
adjusted for height or body position. This not only enables a person to
place the tiller in the most comfortable position while driving, but
also allows it to be moved up and out of the way during transfers. In
the absence of a dashboard or shroud over the front wheel, a control box
with the key lock, battery level indicator, speed controller, and other
features may be affixed to the tiller handlebars.
Since a joystick controls both speed and direction, scooters
equipped with joysticks generally do not have the post-and-handlebar
tiller; the joystick is usually attached to an armrest or to an armrest
extension, with a choice of right or left mounting. While this frees
the space in front of the user and may accommodate easier transitions
for some, the lack of handlebars may make transfers more difficult for
Other Features and Accessories
In addition to the features listed above, which are found in all
scooters, manufacturers offer a variety of other features and
accessories. Most scooters are equipped with a key lock for turning the
scooter on and off, a battery-level indicator, and a proportional speed
controller to limit maximum speed. Available accessories include
crutch and cane holders, oxygen carriers, front and rear baskets,
trailers, headlights, tail lights, horns, and canopies. Some
manufacturers even offer sidecars to allow an additional passenger. As
when purchasing a car, options add to the cost of the scooters.
Accessories should be evaluated in light of how they contribute to
maximum user independence. At the same time, it should be kept in mind
that some options may decrease battery life, maneuverability, and travel
Most scooter owners find it necessary at some point to transport
the scooter. If a van with a lift or public transportation is to be
used, it may be advisable to consider a scooter with a narrow wheelbase
and smaller overall profile to be certain that the scooter can be
accommodated by the lift and be sufficiently maneuverable to be used on
buses and other public transit vehicles.
There are several options available for people wanting to transport
a scooter with their personal vehicles, including scooter carriers that
attach onto a vehicle’s bumper or trailer hitch, loading aids to help
put a scooter into vehicles with a large cargo space, and scooters that
break down into smaller components for storage in the vehicle.
Scooter carriers are platforms mounted on a vehicle’s bumper or a
rear trailer hitch that are designed to carry scooters. Powered and
manual scooter carriers are available. The platform on some powered
carriers can be lowered to the ground level so that the scooter can
drive onto the platform. On other powered carriers, a ramp will flip
down to allow the scooter to drive on or off of the platform. Manual
carriers remain at a fixed height above the road, and the user puts a
ramp down to allow the scooter to drive up onto the platform. Once on
the platform, the scooter is secured, often using safety belts, so that
the scooter remains fixed on the platform while driving.

Figure 4: The Lift ’N’ Go Model 210 electric powered carrier from
WheelChair Carrier is mounted on the hitch of a car, truck or van.
For vehicles such as vans and trucks that have sufficient cargo space to fit a scooter,
ramps or
can be used to load the scooter into the vehicle. Ramps can be mounted
on side of a van or on the back (Figure 4) of any vehicle large enough
to fit a scooter. When the ramp is extended the scooter drives in or
out of the vehicle. Portable ramps can also be attached to a vehicle
when loading or unloading a scooter, and stored in the vehicle when not
in use.

Figure 5: The EZ-ACCESS Hitchmount Ramp extends to allow a scooter
to drive up into a van, truck or SUV. It folds flat against the back of
the vehicle when not in use (see insets).
Two basic types of lifts are available: (1) crane-style lifts and
(2) platform lifts. A crane-style lift can be mounted in the vehicle or
have its own external base. The lift has a horizontal arm to which the
scooter is attached using a strap or sling and lifted off of the
ground. With the scooter suspended in the air, the horizontal arm
rotates to move the scooter into or out of the vehicle, and then lowers
it to the ground or into the vehicle. Platform lifts work similarly to
scooter carriers. The lift is mounted on a rear bumper or trailer
hitch. To load a scooter, the platform is lowered to the ground the
scooter drives onto the platform, and once the platform is raised to the
level of the trunk or cargo area, the scooter is transferred into the
vehicle. When not in use, the platform is folded vertically so that is
does not protrude from the vehicle.
If the scooter is to be transported by an automobile without a
carrier, it will need to be either folded, if possible, or broken down
into smaller components so that it can fit in the auto’s trunk. Some
scooters are designed with modular components or take-apart frames. At
the very least, a scooter to be transported by automobile should have a
folding seatback and/or a folding tiller. Some scooters also offer
removable a seat post, seat, and batteries. Factors affecting a
scooter’s transportability include whether it will be transported in the
trunk or in the back seat, how much space is available, how heavy the
individual components are, how much the user can lift, and whether a
lift or loader can be used.
Choosing a Scooter
The first consideration in selecting a scooter is to determine
whether it will meet the needs of the potential user. The primary
market for scooters is individuals with physical disabilities or health
conditions which affect their ability to walk or limit their physical
endurance. Typically, scooter users have some ability to walk, but are
limited in distance or stamina—people with milder forms of cerebral
palsy, multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, arthritis, cardiac
conditions, or stroke survivors, among others. Scooters are used to
increase and extend the range of personal mobility and help conserve
energy. Scooter users often have difficulty propelling manual
wheelchairs, but do not require the sophisticated electronic controls
and seating systems common in powered wheelchairs.
A number of other physical factors must also be evaluated when
determining whether a scooter is an appropriate mobility aid. A scooter
user generally must be able to sit upright for extended periods and
have sufficient seated balance to maintain an erect posture. Further,
sufficient upper body and arm strength to master the controls and steer
and maneuver the unit is required. In addition, uncorrected vision
disabilities, or conditions which may cause confusion or memory loss or
which inhibit proper safety awareness may render a scooter an
unsatisfactory mobility aid.
Other considerations in selecting a mobility aid include how and
where the scooter will be used, whether or not it will need to be
transported, and if so, how it will be transported. Additional factors
include whether or not a scooter will be the primary mode of
transportation, how far it will need to travel in between battery
charges on a given day, and whether it will be used primarily indoors or
outdoors, or in a combination of environments. The overall evaluation
of all these factors will help determine whether a scooter is an
appropriate assistive device for a particular individual in a specific
set of circumstances. Persons considering a scooter for the first time
should seek the advice of a physician, therapist, or other
rehabilitation professional about whether a wheelchair or scooter is
most appropriate, and what type of scooter best meets their needs.
It is also important that a scooter under consideration be
thoroughly tested and compared with other similar models, if possible,
in the setting in which it will be most typically used. Some
manufacturers and distributors allow the prospective buyer to take the
scooter for on-site trials for a specified period. Such trials allow a
person to more accurately determine whether the vehicle will perform as
required in a given setting, and whether the controls, seating, and leg
room are sufficiently comfortable for long-term use. Like shopping for
an automobile, it is advisable to test comparable models and their
Beyond the Purchase
Once a scooter has been selected, there are other factors to be
considered. First, be certain that a warranty is offered and know what
the terms of the warranty are. If the scooter is purchased from a
local dealer, determine whether the store has trained service
technicians capable of performing routine maintenance and repairs. Be
certain that parts such as batteries, tires, chains and belts, and
electronics are stocked on the premises and do not have to be ordered
from the manufacturer, causing delays in getting the scooter back on the
road. If the scooter is purchased directly from a manufacturer, learn
whether repairs can be made locally and by whom. Wherever maintenance
is performed or repairs are made, the work should be done by someone
authorized to do it under the terms of the warranty.
Funding Sources
The primary funding sources for scooters are private medical
insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. Worker’s Compensation insurance may
be another funding source if the scooter is needed as the result of a
workplace injury. Insurance plans will only pay for scooters and
scooter accessories insofar as they are deemed medically necessary and
medical necessity can be an issue in paying for scooters. Some
insurance plans, including Medicare, may deem scooters not medically
necessary for individuals who can walk a short distance without
assistance. Issues of medical necessity may also exclude coverage of
some optional features that would be beneficial to the individual but
which are not deemed necessary. There may be other limitations on
coverage as well, such as frequency of replacement.
Many States offer an Assistive Technology Alternative Financing
Program that help people with disabilities to qualify for and receive
low cost loans to purchase assistive products or services. A list of
these State projects is available from RESNA at
Each State also offers a State Assistive Technology Project that
supports consumer-driven, statewide, technology-related assistance for
individuals of all ages with disabilities. There are 56 projects (one in
each State and in D.C. and the U.S. territories). A list of these
projects can be found on the ABLEDATA Web site at
For more information on funding sources, see the ABLEDATA
Informed Consumer Guide to Funding Assistive Technology.
Scooters offer individuals with mobility disabilities an
alternative in personal mobility aids. For some a more attractive, less
“medical” appearance is an important factor. For others, greater
flexibility is a primary consideration. For those not requiring the
sophisticated electronics or seating systems of a powered wheelchair,
the smaller price tag is attractive. Whatever the reason for
considering a scooter, models should be carefully evaluated for their
capability to accommodate a person’s disability and meet the
requirements of the intended use. First-time purchasers are advised to
consult with a physician, therapist, or other rehabilitation
professional to determine whether a scooter is the best option, and what
features are required.
For those seeking information on assistive technology, ABLEDATA
provides information about more than 22,000 products for people with
disabilities. Included in the ABLEDATA product listings are
descriptions of scooters currently available in the United States, as
well as information about scooter manufacturers and distributors.
ABLEDATA can be reached by calling 800/227-0216 or 301/608-8998, or
through e-mail at Information specialists are on hand to assist callers in locating the information they need.
ABLEDATA offers additional Fact Sheets and Informed Consumer's
Guides on assistive technology and disability issues, including Fact
Sheets on
Manual Wheelchairs,
Powered Wheelchairs,
Wheelchairs for Children, and Informed Consumer Guides on
Wheelchair Selection, and
Assistive Technology for People with Spinal Cord Injury. All ABLEDATA publications may be downloaded free of charge from the ABLEDATA Web site,; print copies can be sent by mail for a small fee.
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