Thursday, August 16, 2012

Psychologist Recommends Oral Sex to Reduce Morning Sickness

Psychologist Recommends Oral Sex to Reduce Morning Sickness

Psychologist Recommends Oral Sex to Reduce Morning Sickness
A recent claim made by psychologist Gordon Galluphas caught the attention of one and all for the reasons that it recommended oral sex for women to avoid morning sickness. The psychologist at the University at Albany-SUNY claimed that women who intake sperms from their male partners are more likely to avoid the risk of morning sickness.
"It's the father's contribution to the fetus that makes the chemistry different from the chemistry of the mother. Therefore, high-frequency insemination by the foetus' father may promote immuno-tolerance”, said Gallup. There are many women who are affected by morning sickness with symptoms more likely to bother them in the morning, however, with passage of time, they fizz out. It is believed that semen do have anti-depressive qualities.
As of now, most women use general remedies like a teaspoon of ginger or a mint so as to deal with morning sickness. But, oral sex, as per the psychologist, can make things a lot better.
The psychologist has also backed what has been said in the 2000 abstract from the National Center for Biotechnology Information about oral sex and swallowing sperms linked with reducing preeclampsia.
It is because of the indulgence of a foreign substance, semen that makes women susceptible to morning sickness. However, most of the women are likely to get rid of the same around the 12th week of pregnancy.

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