Have There Been Actual Studies On Penis Enlargement Pill Results?
The male enhancement industry has developed quite a great deal during recent years, and the idea of having a perfect sex life has also become quite an obsession.
Men are targeted through ads for penis enlargement, and other sexual issues, and they are the main audience for these products. While it is true that the pharmaceutical sector has finally come up with a pill for erectile dysfunction, penis growth techniques and methods are still far behind.
Surgery Or Pills?
Penis enlargement pills have not been given a lot of attention, as the vast majority of medical care specialists believe that they are clearly ineffective, just by taking a look at their list of ingredients. In case of surgery, however, there have been scientific studies that showed that penis growth benefits that can be obtained through medical intervention do not usually exceed one inch. Since surgery is considered to be the only thing to really work for penis enlargement, it is quite obvious where male enhancement pills really stand. Also, seeing that surgery can go wrong, resulting in scarring, infections, and, in some cases, even in erectile dysfunction, this method is not recommended, either.
Why So Much Lack Of Trust?
The male enhancement market is not regulated by FDA, which means that the companies making these products can sell pretty much anything they want without having the obligation to deliver results to their clients. Also, doctors say that these pills are made with the well known Yohimbe extract, or Horny Goat Weed, herbs that have been researched and deemed appropriate only for increasing sex drive and improving the condition in men with erectile dysfunction. Although there are not known studies related to the action of penis enlargement pills, the fact that they are only herbal concoctions that contain the same herbs as any other male enhancement supplement means that they have no means to provide benefits such as penis growth.
Should Men Try Them?
Of course, it is up to you to decide whether you want to give these pills a try or not. If you purchase a good quality product such as VYDOX ,chances are that you will not have to deal with the nasty effects of erectile dysfunction, as the pills will help you get strong solid erections.