'Yes girls, size DOES matter - but not just on men': One male writer gives his blistering response to the penis size debate
PUBLISHED: 08:40 EST, 14 November 2012 | UPDATED: 08:46 EST, 14 November 2012

There is no such thing as a 'too small' penis, says Peter Lloyd - they are all sufficient
A scientific study claims to have settled the age-old debate on whether penis size actually matters.
As reported by MailOnline earlier this week, research in Scotland claims that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely to credit larger penises for them.
Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of West Scotland, surveyed 323 women on their previous sexual encounters and whether length influenced their ability to climax.
Apparently, the women who reported the highest number of vaginal orgasms were more likely to rule that bigger was better. Brody told Live Science: 'This might be due, in part, to greater ability of a longer penis to stimulate the entire length of the vagina, and the cervix.'
However, it's not all so damning. Apparently, if the above is true, it only applies to some women and some orgasms, some of the time.
But it does pose bad news for the sisterhood, because if the size of the penis matters, then surely the vagina must too. After all, friction is friction - and women's bits vary as much as ours.
But it's all quite funny, really. When I read yesterday's article, I laughed out loud. Not because the study was so astonishingly one-sided, but because it reminded me of a sketch from U.S. television show Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Called Big Vagina (its contents aren't entirely suitable for a family newspaper but it can be found on YouTube), it offers a new gesture for men to adopt in response to women's cruel use of the 'inch' gesture with their thumb and forefinger.
Given society's on-going pre-occupation with size, perhaps we should take this gesture and introduce it into popular culture - all for the sake of fairness of course. Then, we can all laugh at each other together. What fun.
But let's not stop there. Don't breasts need to be the perfect size, shape and pertness too, right?
Naturally, I'm being facetious, but it proves my point: this sort of mocking of the opposite gender cuts both ways.
After all, men can put a master key in a door, but if the lock's too big then it won't open. And that's not our fault.
'The size debate must end,' says Peter Lloyd, who has witnessed men suffer mental health issues brought on by the insecurity that they do not measure up
Even the Karma Sutra explains that there are three sizes of penis and three sizes of vagina; the perfect combination on which depends on personal preference. Something else which trashes yesterday's conclusion.
So maybe Brody isn't right. With all due respect to him, this study was anecdotal and led by a psychologist, not a medical doctor. It's mere opinion. Hardly a robust scientific discovery.
A very good reason why we should all shrug it off. Not least because all this self-entitlement about other people's bodies is vulgar.
That said, the size debate does need to stop. Why? Because we don't need an answer - it wouldn't change anything - and it's mainly promulgated to (quite literally) belittle men. Sadly, because we're too polite to contest it, it's allowed to thrive.
But no more. Not only is it factually incorrect, it's also dangerous for our young men to hear. Last month, a 17 year-old boy emailed me via my website. He'd quit his rugby team, stopped going out and refused to date girls - all because he thought his penis wasn't 'good enough'. www.vydox.com

Why should women be able to use the obscene 'inch' gesture or wiggle their little finger with impunity, when men who did something similar would be condemned as obscene?
This boy (who actually had nothing to worry about, but then again none of us do... all penises are sufficient) had been conditioned to hate his body from everything he'd seen and heard over the years.
This is no longer just a matter of physiology, it's a mental health issue too. And given that us men are more prone to depression, suicide and early death, the women who wiggle their little fingers should grow some compassion.
This includes celebrities. Because, if somebody such as Ed Sheeran stood up and mocked the opposite sex's private parts, like Katy Perry and Christina Aguilera have, his career would be over.
Likewise, if a scientific study looked at the tautness and depth of female genitalia, it would be lambasted as obscene.
That's probably because it would be. It might also make a lot of women feel pretty rubbish, which is what I found most disturbing about the response to yesterday's story; so many commentators took great delight in the knowledge it would hurt many men. How sad.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2232834/Yes-girls-size-DOES-matter--just-men-One-male-writer-gives-blistering-response-penis-size-debate.html#ixzz2CK6yoXXC Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook