Does penis size matter? It depends who you ask!
Oftentimes, I have been asked by both men and women about what the “right,” “average,” or “desirable” penis size is. Men seem to be especially fixated in the adequacy of the size of their penises and how women (and other men) may perceive them based on their size. The media has contributed to this obsession by featuring above-average sized men in porn and by the proliferation of treatments and remedies to lengthen the size of the penis.
Men seem to be especially fixated in the adequacy of the size of their penises and how women (and other men) may perceive them based on their size.
Why men worry about size so much?
To almost all men, their penis is their most important possession. According to IngBeth Larsson, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Linköping, “Much of boys’ sexual identification is linked to the fact that they have a penis; parents often express appreciation when a boy displays his penis, which gives the boy the opinion that he has a valuable body part.”
Thus, having a penis is tied to a man’s self-esteem and sexual identity. From an early age, men discover their penis and from that point on, consciously or subconsciously, they develop a fascination with it and it becomes one of the most important things in the whole world for them. Additionally, the media constantly reinforces the notion that a man’s penis equals power, sexual prowess, masculinity, and a definition of their manhood.
The truth about penis size
What is the size of the average penis? Well, it depends on who you ask.
Studies in which men have been asked to self-report their penis size revealed that the average penis size is approximately 3.5 inches long (8.9 cm) when flaccid and 6 inches long (15.2 cm) when erect. Nonetheless, measurements made by sex researchers tend to reveal significantly smaller measurements than self-reported sizes.
According to a study titled Does Size Matter? Men’s and Women’s Views on Penis Size Across the Lifespan, published in the Psychology of Men and Masculinity Journal, the average penis length is 5.3 inches when erect. In fact, 68 percent of men measure between 4.6 inches and 6 inches (11.7 cm and 15.2 cm). Only 2.5 percent of men measure over 6.9 inches long when erect (17.5 cm) and only 2.5 percent of men measure under 3.7 inches long when erect (9.4 cm). So, unless you are within the 2.5 percent categories, you can consider your penis size to be average.
Women are less concerned with penis size than men. In spite of what you see in porn movies, in which men have above-average penises and women exaggerate their responses thus indicating that they feel more pleasure as size increases, women are pretty content with the average penis size. (Shutterstock photos)
What size is “right” for women?
Women are less concerned with penis size than men. In spite of what you see in porn movies, in which men have above-average penises and women exaggerate their responses thus indicating that they feel more pleasure as size increases, women are pretty content with the average penis size.
When women were asked about their satisfaction with the size of their men’s penis, in the study mentioned above, 85 percent of them responded to be satisfied. More than half of men, however, reported feeling unhappy with their size.
In fact, for women, girth tends to be more important than length. Overall, quality is more important than the visual aspect of the sexual encounter for women. And if we take into consideration that the G-spot in women is only 2 to 3 inches along the front wall of the vagina, you can see how we don’t need extremely large penises in order to reach sexual satisfaction.
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